my name is

Dan Spragg

Dan started his social media journey in March 2020 when the first lockdown took hold. He started posting to pass time and have fun with his family. Since then his Channels have grown and he has built an incredible community online with over 3 million followers across socials.


Dan has 4 beautiful children Named Lily, Noah, Chester and Dexter and a wonderful partner Chloe.
I believe in creating brands
Dan co owns one of the largest paranormal events company in the UK and a streetwear fashion brand. Find out more about those below!
Dan is a huge advocate for men’s mental health and using his platforms to raise money for charities. He’s slept rough, climbed mountains, played in charity football games not forgetting a 24 hour live stream for the NHS during Covid and an event for children in need.


Dans aim is to make you laugh or smile at least once a day!
Find his socials and other links below.
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3 days ago
Dan Spragg

Every cloud has a silver lining I guess! 😂 ... See MoreSee Less

4 days ago
Dan Spragg

And they say romance is dead! ... See MoreSee Less

30 CommentsComment on Facebook

At seven years its more like year 3 but with some crisps chucked at my partners head followed by chocolate being chucked also at his head then creeping over and yelling happy valentines day as loud as humanly possible to see if he falls outta bed 👌😅😁

A year and a half together... looks like 3 years

Wait till your at 20 years lol 😂 all I got was a grunt and he toddled out to work 😂😂

Valentines day is for single people not couples ffs!!

Awww c’mon lol. Ok on year 34 with my man. We still do cards. Presebts. Hugs n kisses lol. Would’ve gone out tonight but my broken ankle said no. I do love yours and Chloe’s videos x

I remembered this year ! We've been together 23 years

I can guarantee this to be true 👍🤣🤣🤣🤣😂

Wait until you're at 10 years plus 🤣🤣

Im going for a poo lol

Billy Ashton year 7 I have no words for 🫣🤣

Lee Brain very relatable 😂xx

Going for a poo 💩 😂😂😂😂


Kelly Coultas


Casey-lee Lowe😂🤦

Emerald Holden

Jo Conboy 😂😂

Kelsey-Ann Brandon

Rick Harris 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ashleigh Williams

Charleey Cornish

Nicola Mcgreevy

Beverley Ann

7205857800 call me babyyy

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5 days ago
Dan Spragg

Who has a solution to this 🤣 ... See MoreSee Less

10 CommentsComment on Facebook

Always happens swear they hear it apl

Try getting baby gates

You get yourself some kool aid and let that lil girl join

Brett Miller

Hayley Loveridge 😂

Callum Drake

Jjames Fferguson

Natural when lesbia s have kids.

Standard 🤣🤣


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6 days ago
Dan Spragg

Been thinking about this trip, makes me want to book a trip somewhere! ... See MoreSee Less

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Omg 🤣🤣 same! Sushi... "it's edible" 🤣 it's rank 🤣🤣

1 week ago
Dan Spragg

Best choice we ever made ... See MoreSee Less

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Catch me out here vacuuming the grass

This is why I bought a door camera lol 😆 😅

Poor spragly lol

Been done before. Was shit then


Josephine Parker

Kerry Pegg

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1 week ago
Dan Spragg

My Partner Puts Me To A Test! ... See MoreSee Less

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done. I've never had a monster drink x

So sad lol

None of those are for me, pipeline punch all the way 👌

You trans tw*t

1 week ago
Dan Spragg

can’t beat a good bacon Butty! What’s your favourite meat? Keep it PG 😉 ... See MoreSee Less

875 CommentsComment on Facebook

She looks ill. She is not selling it 😂😂

Something that is Weighty girthy lengthy and its tossed before going in my mouth 🤣😆

Looks like she could do with a huge steak dinner or two 🤣

Because meat is the best thing ever

I hate vegans who push there view on everyone

Because I don't want to look scrawny and half starved

She's so vegan that she doesn't even have meat on her bones, lmao 😂

I am A second hand vegan the cow eats the grass and I eat the cow

Disgusting supposed to eat it not fuck it 😂🤣

Because I love a cow mooing on my plate can’t beat a medium rare steak 🥩

No one should tell another what to eat...

Because, bacon 🤷‍♀️

Probably should’ve swapped the words f*^king and love around on the shirt “because I f*^cking love meat yeaaaah” sounds a bit better tbh 😂😂😂

Because I don't want to look like a stick insect. And I eat meat to stop cows and pigs from shitting on your dinner

Why, I don't want all the farm animals slaughtered so you can have their pasture for your lentils. Also, a bit of an anomaly. If we all went vegan (boring) we would be signing their death warrants anyway. I we don't have animals for food we won't need them at all. So if you don't want to eat meat. Your choice but shut up preaching cos you don't really care about animals you only care about yourselves being self righteous egotists.

Cos I don't want to look like a skeleton, I like meat on my bones,and on my plate. 🥩🍗🍖🥓🍔

I hate meat. I don't like the texture of any of it no matter how it's cooked.

I'm a vegetarian and I found this hilarious 🤣🤣😂😂 I would have to say I love cheese instead of meat. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Cause I'm not a string bean nyooo... I like food that you can still picture mooing away in pastures! 🤓 but in all truth I have my own moral code, don't eat any creatures you won't hunt, cook and eat yourself, so I dont eat lamb because my friend had a pet sheep at one point who I had to nurse to health and also clothe due to hallopecia and other skin issues...I personally could not hunt a lamb in a onsie so I don't have the right to eat said lamb in my own opinion.

Because a cow is different cuts of meat in a handy leather bag

She is not a good example to become a vegan. The body needs meat for protein

Because I love meet,and how small does animal have to be or cute to not kill it.i mean mice,snakes,voles and other animals live in grain fields so you're no better then cow eaters you kill a life too.

Can’t think of anything worse than to live on just veg , tofu , hummus and any of that new crap that they come up with. A balanced diet including meat of choice is just fine. If people don’t want to eat meat or dairy products that’s fine but don’t tell us we can’t!!

Bacon, steak, leg of lamb, plus veg lovely. Just stop thinking vegan is good, the cost of it produces to much CO2

Will never give up MEAT

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1 week ago
Dan Spragg

I remember the “wait til you get home” days 😂 ... See MoreSee Less

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Well Juniaro Harefa

1 week ago
Dan Spragg

Family time is the best time ... See MoreSee Less

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